Category: government

  • Linked Data talk at VALA 2014

    Linked Data talk at VALA 2014

    Below are the slides from a talk I gave at VALA 2014 on how we went about trialling Linked Data at the Victorian Parliamentary Library. There is also a longer paper that goes along with the talk.   Linked Data: thinking big, starting small from Peter Neish

  • Heatmap of votes by booth

    Heatmap of votes by booth

    Here’s another visualisation of some data from the 2013 Australian Federal Election. I wanted to see how consistent voting patterns were across booths within an electorate. From handing out how to vote cards at my local polling booth I had the feeling that not every booth is the same. Fortunately the Australian Electoral Commission publishes…

  • Visualising Senate Preferences in the Australian 2013 Election

    Visualising Senate Preferences in the Australian 2013 Election

    The Australian Electoral Commission have released the data for preference allocation and makes a good subject for a visualisation. Using a PERL script I was able to group the ticket preferences into groups and then create a matrix in a format suitable for input to a d3js chord diagram. Getting useful data is always a…

  • Harvesting and semantically tagging media releases from political websites using web services

    Here’s the slides from another talk from VALA2012 where I talked about how we’ve been using OpenCalais at the Victorian Parliamentary Library to add tags and semantic data to one of our databases. You can also see the talk here or download a longer paper that goes with the talk. Harvesting and semantically tagging media releases from political…

  • nswsphere streamed

    There’s a lot of talk about the carbon footprint of attending conferences these days and on Friday I attended my first virtual conference. NSWsphere provided a live stream of the conference. The job they did was excellent (numerous cameras, direct mic etc.) and I was able to watch easily without getting frustrated. The second important…