Tag: data

  • Wikidata at EverythingOpen

    Wikidata at EverythingOpen

    Recently I presented with Alex Lum at the EverythingOpen conference on wikidata. We covered quite a lot in a short time. The conference was great – it was the rebranded Australian Linux conference and it was nice to attend a face-to-face event after all this time.

  • LOD-LAM meeting at Melbourne Museum 17 April 2012

    Yesterday I spent a really interesting morning at Museum Victoria attending and presenting at a workshop on Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Musuems (LOD-LAM) organised by Culture Victoria. As usual with these things, there were varying levels of technical and background knowledge on the topic. However, I think the level of the presentations…

  • Harvesting and semantically tagging media releases from political websites using web services

    Here’s the slides from another talk from VALA2012 where I talked about how we’ve been using OpenCalais at the Victorian Parliamentary Library to add tags and semantic data to one of our databases. You can also see the talk here or download a longer paper that goes with the talk. Harvesting and semantically tagging media releases from political…